Founded in 1961, the family owned INDUSTA group of companies began its activities in Europe in its core area as a service provider specializing in project development, planning, coordination, and implementation of industrial plants. Over the years, the group has expanded its activities to various industries such as investments, Real Estate, shipping, and trading and has expanded into various global markets. INDUSTA group of companies and its respective partners focus their activities on real estate, direct investments in established companies and start-ups, public companies and fund-of-fund investments in Private Equity and Venture Capital. We believe in the vision of exponential organizations and that digital transformation, and therefore disruptive innovation, is the key to growth and long-term success. We aim to identify small to mid-sized investment opportunities by focusing on private as well as publicly traded companies that are leaders, enablers, and beneficiaries of disruptive innovation.
INDUSTA LLC. was established as the newest part of the group and marks another milestone by establishing a presence in North America.
We understand that today’s rapidly evolving world presents tremendous opportunities, but also significant challenges. Economic uncertainty, increasing regulation, erosion of privacy rights and public pressure to contribute more to society are just some of the challenges we face in this environment. The INDUSTA group of companies works with a team of experienced professionals from diverse backgrounds such as technology, engineering, and real estate. Our success story starts in 1961 and as of 2021, the group is active in projects in several countries and cities around the world.

INDUSTA LLC. focuses on technology related projects and works with companies in various industries like Digital Media and entertainment, e-commerce, information technology and communication. Entering a new era for the group, the company’s mission is to collaborate with its partners during the process of digitalization, a step change even bigger than the Internet itself. Creating a competitive advantage by adapting to exponential technological progress, increased global competition and greater consumer power will allow companies to face the threat of commoditization. INDUSTA LLC. was formed to help companies identify digital opportunities with consumers, suppliers, manufacturers, investors, or stakeholders.